A question I often receive as a guitar teacher is what the essential difference is between a western guitar and a classical guitar. Another question that often accompanies this is which of the two should be preferred by the student in question. In this article I try to provide a definitive answer to those who are still in doubt.
First and foremost, it is striking that both types of guitars can be classified as acoustic guitars. An acoustic guitar, as the name suggests, uses acoustics. A hollow space is provided in the body of the guitar through which the sounds produced by the strings can propagate, reflect and ultimately manifest themselves amplified.
Another term that is often used to describe both classifications of guitars is the “folk guitar”, although this originally referred to nylon-strung guitars. There were also earlier, before the era of electric and western versions, folk guitarists who greatly preferred playing with steel strings on their instruments because this gave them more attractive sounds. These guitars are better known today as the so-called parlor guitars, but have become slightly less popular with the arrival of the western guitar.
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The first classical guitars were played with strings made from sheep intestine. The gut strings were stretched tight, giving a warm, soft tone. For the bass strings, multiple gut strands were wound together and later also wound with metals such as copper or silver to provide more mass and produce a lower tone.
Classical guitars today are sold with nylon strings. These are slightly thicker and less stressful on the fingers. In addition, the resulting soft and warm sound makes the guitar ideal for classical music, flamenco and fingerpicking.
Since the end of the 19th century, different types of steels have been tried to experiment with sound timbre on stringed instruments, and not without success. Steel strings provide a clearer and, due to the higher tension, a more powerful sound than their nylon counterparts. The guitars find their appeal in many genres such as folk, pop, country and rock
The western guitar has a narrower neck than the classical guitar, making it easier to create chord grips and switching (positional shifting along the neck with the left hand for right-handed guitarists). These two important factors mean that many rhythm guitarists and accompaniment musicians prefer a western guitar.
The wider neck of the classical guitar ensures that the strings are further apart. This makes it easier to play individual notes, but it does require more stretching of the fingers.
On a western guitar, the strings are almost always secured with bridge pins at the back of the socalled bridge, a wooden board with holes that is attached approximately on top of the middle of the guitar's body. On the classical guitar, the strings are usually tied to the bridge without the use of pins. So it is a purely external feature, but a traditional custom that has been passed down among guitar manufacturers over the years.
Perhaps the most important feature that distinguishes the two types of guitars is the construction of the body. Due to the changing music styles and performances that took place in increasingly larger spaces and halls at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, both solo musicians and those who were part of an ensemble still felt the need to be heard better. It goes without saying that a larger body, as is certainly the case with a “dreadnought” or “jumbo” western guitar, provides more volume and resonance, especially in the lower frequencies. The sound comes out brighter and more penetrating. However, it can be said that the charm of the classical guitar with its slightly smaller body and the resulting softer and warmer tones should not be ignored for the subtler pieces and melodies.
As already mentioned, the western guitar with its greater presence and clear sounds is widely represented in modern music styles. Playing can be done with or without the use of a guitar pick. But many fingerstyle followers today also represent compelling works from folk, blues and acoustic pop culture that emphasize melody, bass lines and chords. A pick does allow you to play this instrument faster and more consistently with more control when striking the steel strings, which is very nice for styles such as rock, pop / alternative, and country.
The guitar is played in the traditional sitting position: it is placed on the right thigh, with sufficient freedom of movement for the left arm to play the notes and chords, and the right arm is positioned along and on top of the body. The best way to play while sitting is on a stool or on an easy chair with the feet placed on the floor or possibly on a platform. The attention to a straight back should not be underestimated.
The classical guitar is almost always played without a pick (but this can certainly also be done with), with the fingers touching the strings for a more subtle and detailed playing. In the classic sitting position, the guitar is placed between the legs. The waist of the guitar rests on the left leg, the left foot of which rests on a footstool. The guitar is therefore positioned slightly more vertically, which in turn ensures more accuracy when fretting and strumming. These postures are not an absolute must to be able to play the instrument “correctly” and this is an area where many talented artists have broken the rules.
The higher string tension and the narrower neck with a closer placement of the strings can make playing the western guitar a little more difficult for the beginner. Despite these factors, it is important that the choice of your instrument mainly depends on your music preference. If you first want to start with strings that feel softer and that exert less pressure on your fingers, then learning to play the classical guitar can be an interesting experience. Having a western guitar background myself, today I still prefer the use of this instrument by my new coming students.
As you can see, the differences between the two guitars are very large, both in construction and in sound, contrary to what you might expect if you were to just take a look at both instruments. Many people just want to be able to play a guitar well, but they don't know where to start or which guitar to buy. Hopefully, after reading these words, you have come a little closer to a conclusive answer!
Filip H2024-04-05 Als startende gitarist, op latere leeftijd :) , eindelijk iemand gevonden die de tijd en vooral met mij het geduld heeft om me wat aan te leren. Fantastische gitarist. Voorziet voldoende docu, en je kan altijd feedback vragen als je thuis zelf iets opneemt. Thuis veel oefenen blijft een must… spijtig genoeg lukt me dat niet altijd. K kan Ben zeker aanraden ! Kristof Bolland2024-03-29 Ik volg al enige tijd gitaarlessen bij Ben en ben erg tevreden met de vooruitgang die ik heb geboekt. De lessen van Ben zijn erg goed gestructureerd en wat erg handig is, is dat hij ervoor zorgt dat alles ook voor thuis online beschikbaar is. Ik kan hem van harte aanbevelen aan iedereen die effectieve vooruitgang wil boeken in zijn of haar gitaarspel! Gunther De Jonghe2024-03-27 De persoonlijke aanpak van Ben is voor mij doorslaggevend geweest in de keuze om één op één gitaarlessen te volgen. Na verschillende pogingen om gitaarlessen te volgen via internet uiteindelijk gekozen voor privéles. Daar waar ik vroeger bleef 'hangen' op een bepaald niveau merk ik nu duidelijk vooruitgang les na les- niet alleen qua techniek, maar ook qua inzicht in de opbouw van een muziekstuk. De aanpak van Ben vormt een sterke basis voor wie zijn/haar gitaarspel stap per stap naar een hoger niveau wil tillen. Jeroen Maus2024-03-26 Een persoonlijke aanpak op een tempo dat bij je past, leuke afwisseling tussen theorie en praktijk, aanrader ! Lorenzo Vylders2024-03-26 Ongeacht je niveau bieden de gitaarlessen van Ben een waardevolle leerervaring. Ben is deskundig en geduldig, en hij past de oefeningen aan op basis van wat je graag speelt. Het is een aanrader voor iedereen die op een ontspannen en doelgerichte manier gitaar wil leren spelen. Aanrader! Mau Pozze2024-01-18 Aangename manier om gitaar te leren ,goede aanpak en hij leert ons techniek te hebben,hij heeft veel muzikale kennis,dus een aanrader,u moet met hem proberen😀.You want to learn to play guitar then is Ben the place to be,he knows a lot about music,about technique and you learn on a good way. Dirk Tierens2023-10-17 Al enkele jaren onder de vleugels van Ben. Zelf gestart op mijn 45e via Internet cursussen, maar sinds 3 jaar regelmatig bij Ben. Een uur om de 2 weken, zwoegen en zweten en met een hoop huiswerk. Maar ik maak vooruitgang via onze lessen fingerpicking en blues gitaar. Bedankt Ben voor de goede zorgen en het geduld 2023 : alweer een tijdje verder en nu al 7 jaar onder de muzikale vleugels van Ben. Ik maak nog steeds vooruitgang, stap na stap. Soms wat blijven hangen, dan plots een doorbraak. We zijn nu aan de scales aan het werken voor de solo gitaar. Ben brengt stapsgewijs meer en meer inzicht en ... ik amuseer mij. Merci Ben. Tom Maes2023-10-10 Fijn om hier gitaarles te volgen. Persoonlijke/individuele aanpak met goed lesmateriaal en oefenstof voor thuis. Steeds rustig en geduldig, wat ik zeer aangenaam vind.
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